What it’s like to be pregnant and a hypnobirthing teacher
So we decided to make the jump from outnumbering our one child, to being one adult to one child. Yep that right, we are pregnant!
I thought this would be a great way to share with you all how it is for a hypnobirthing teacher to be pregnant. I think a lot of people have expected me to be completing Zen and fear-free however I am only human and I still have worries surrounding pregnancy and birth, which I hope to address in this blog.
*Before you read on, please note that I will be talking about my personal fears in this pregnancy and how I am working on them, so please feel free to stop reading at any point.*
I am 16-18 weeks pregnant, depending on if you go by my gestational date or the scan dates(don’t get me started on due dates!!!)….so arrival is looking like early to mid March. We have a lot of birthdays to navigate in the first half of March so will be interesting to see if this baby ends up sharing their birthday!
1st Trimester
My first trimester has been pretty tricky, as it was with my daughter. A lot of sickness, and even more nausea. I struggled to eat which made me a little grumpy(hangry) and oh my the tiredness. I really don’t remember being so tired with my first pregnancy, have I blanked it out or is because I am also running after a fiesty two year old?
Tips to get through the sickness….eat what you can and don’t feel bad about living on marmite on toast. I had bouts of extreme guilt when I realised I had eaten marmite and crumpets for breakfast, lunch and dinner most days HOWEVER if I hadn’t eaten that I wouldn’t have eaten anything!
I have also struggled with coming to terms that it won’t just be us and our daughter. As much as she can be a pain in the arse sometimes, she really is quite great and I love the dynamics of our family. I would be lying if said I hadn’t cried quite a bit ‘losing’ time with, I think this is one of my biggest anxieties with this pregnancy. How can I love someone as much as I love her, what if my daughter hates me when the new baby comes, what if my daughter and the new baby don’t bond???
All the above seems even harder to navigate as the first trimester almost seems like the secret one, I had lots of people comment on how awful I was looking and it took all my strength not to shout ‘ YES ITS BECAUSE I AM LIVING WITH MY HEAD DOWN THE LOO!!!’
Luckily that is now behind me and I am feeling fab in my 2nd trimester!
We were very lucky to have a straightforward pregnancy and birth with our daughter, at a birth centre attached to a hospital in London. We took a hypnobirhting class which changed my life, I felt so empowered after our classes and couldn’t wait to experience giving birth. I will share our birth story here at a later date but in short, she was a super star and came pretty quickly after labouring as much as possible at home. Due to this we have booked in for a home birth this time around, I cannot tell you how excited I am.
Now whilst I am very excited for this birth, as I said before, I still have a few niggles that I need to address in the run up to the big day.
-i was told that on average, 2nd births are half the time of your first. Worry number 1, will I make it to the hospital on time or will I give birth in the street, will the midwives make it to my house in time or will my husband have to bring this baby earth side!
-juggling the mum guilt of feeling tired and having less patience with my toddler, then feeling even more guilt as these are the last months as a three
-the return of post-natal anxiety, this is something that took me by surprise with my daughter and didn’t address until she was 10 months old.
-that as we are hoping for a home birth and my daughter will be there, that I will scare her in the throws of birth.
How I will be working on the above
-TALKING…..I have been talking to my midwife, discussing how to get around worrying about her not making it to the birth! Looking at all options, and rationalising how quick, quick really is!
-TALKING…..and accepting that mum guilt feels real however I am doing the best job I can, and have a happy, chatty daughter to vouch for that.
-TALKING to my care givers about accessing mental health help……and trusting that I know the signs of being unhappy and anxious and how this is very different from the ‘baby blues’ I kept kidding myself it was before! And understanding it is not failing asking for help.
-RESEARCHING ways to introduce birth to my daughter so it becomes something that is normal for her. Currently we are reading ‘Hello Baby’ by Jenni Overend. Am happy to report my 2 year old is now telling everyone our ‘baby will come out of Mumma’s vagina’.
How does hypnobirthing help the hypnobirthing teacher?
Currently I am working on daily positive affirmations which really help me focus and clear my head. They allow me to address everyday concerns so they don’t turn into something bigger and I almost see them a s 5 minute meditation! I understand that however small my worries may be, if I just let them lay there unaddressed they will sit there in my subconscious and eventually aid the production of adrenaline- and we all know thats no good!
We will start our hypnobirthing scripts after our 20 week scan, focussing on the ones that really worked well for me last time around and I will also start to build my affirmation board.
We are planning for a home birth this time around so am really looking forward to building my birthing nest, making it as cosy and inviting as possible!
What I am hoping this blog will help parents realise is that the focus should never be on a perfect pregnancy or birth but a positive one, and that there are many ways you can achieve that!