I always thought I was a sling enthusiast but with basic knowledge. We used a stretchy sling and an ergo 360 with both my babes and they were actual life savers. They gave me freedom and kept me close to my littles as they grew and developed.
When providing postnatal support I often get asked about slings but they sometimes feel like an after thought once the buggy has been purchased. I stand by the fact that slings in London are an essential bit of baby kit, navigating the underground with a buggy can be a killer and I am all for something that makes your life easier. However even with this thirst for ease and love of a sling, my knowledge on them were minimal. In all honestly I have referred clients to Mel at Wrap a Hug for a while now, but I felt needed to know more about all the slings on offer. So when Mel invited a few doulas into her home, I jumped at the chance and made my way from Camden to Bethan Green.
The benefits of safe baby wearing are rich - they can enhance bonding, aid in milk production, boost your oxytocin production, keep your hands free, comfort your baby, help post c-section and give you a sense of freedom. The amount of options you have to choose from are mind blowing, and I would highly recommend booking in with a sling expert as past of you birth prep. This time with an expert (who is not there to sell you a sling) will help you find your perfect fit, educate you in good safe baby wearing and make you feel confident when you are slinging with your newborn.
When picking my slings I jumped on a tube to a big department store and was sold their most popular sling - wishing I had know about Mel and had had the chance to try her massive collection to find the best fit for me!